ec2-metadatafs ·

ec2-metadatafs is a FUSE filesystem that exposes AWS EC2 instance metadata and tags in the form of a directory tree.

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· golang aws fuse

AWS Autoscaling Ansible Inventory ·

As described in a previous post, at Braintree, we use Ansible as the user data in the launch configurations (LC) of our autoscaling groups (ASGs) to configure instances on boot via a bash script with a base64 encoded tarball of the playbook directory. While we find this is a very effective way to structure the configuration, testing new configuration can be time consuming as it requires a new LC to be created and attached to the ASG followed by cycling an instance in the ASG by terminating it so that a new one, with the new configuration, takes its place.

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· ansible aws autoscaling

circleci-cli ·

circleci-cli is a CLI too that allows you to interact with CircleCI without leaving the comfort of your terminal.

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· golang circleci cli

go-circleci ·

go-circleci is a Go library that I wrote to wrap CircleCI’s API. It can be used by other Go projects that wish to interact with the API.

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· golang circleci

Using Ansible to provision AWS autoscaling instances ·

Problem statement: If you are running your infrastructure on EC2 in AWS, you are probably using AWS’s autoscaling service to manage your instances. If you are not, you should be. Even if you don’t plan to have your instances scale up and down based on traffic patterns, you’ll want to use autoscaling for the simple case of keeping a certain number of instances running if one of them stops responding or is decommissioned by AWS – without requiring manual intervention by an engineer to spin up and configure a new server.

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· aws ansible autoscaling

git-duet ·

git-duet makes use of the committer field of git commits to allow paired pairing while maintaining identity.

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· golang git pairing

git-duet release ·

Today marks the release of the Go port of git-duet! git-duet allows paired programmers to not lose their identities when collaborating on git commits. See the project page for more details.

· golang

Debugging Go ·


Talk I gave at the Go Steel Programmers meet-up group in Pittsburgh about the current state of Go debugging (both traditional debuggers as well as print/log based debugging).

· golang debugging

Golang ORMs: A survey of the current state of Golang ORMs ·


Talk I gave at the Go Steel Programmers meet-up group in Pittsburgh about the current state of Go ORMs.

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· golang orms

The Path to Go 1.1 ·


Talk given at the Go Steel Programmers meet-up group in Pittsburgh about changes in the version 1.1 release of Go with Sheena Smith.

· golang